Another 1 from New York. The vast vast majority in this study are New Yorkers and D tortures the world from New York. Where is this going??
She’s so clearly being set up from every side.
Above we see mention of sneaking Triumph in somewhere. That’s a clear message to me because I snuck my Pomeranian Napoleon into a taping of Conan’s Show. He was a perfect dog when it came to that. He always went with it and didn’t make a sound.
I was also fired for doing the same with Pookie. There was no problem. It was a pretext. They were happy making money off of pictures including my adorable dog until suddenly it was a huge unforgivable problem. D at work as per usual. All her endless games and torture are backfiring on her and this will only continue until we are finally delivered from Luciferian rule.
I’m very glad to talk to Robert because he is 1 of the funniest people.
“Just keep going. We’ll win. We all want you back and able to finally recover. You are right about everything you are saying and it must change now.”
I’m now seeing in our soul family, Robert is 1 that favors Elvis. Me and Elvis are Sherlock and Watson, Bert and Ernie, Heisenberg and Jesse. This weird duo are all over. I would say Conan would be 1 that favors me. How is this real?? But you can see it.
“It’s true.” I’m talking about this because Robert and Conan have been long time writing partners.
When they tried going after Conan for intellectual property issues, Robert and Conan used it to set this up because I’m the muse. My intellectual property is constantly exploited by D. She feeds on our talent AND SUFFERING and passes herself off as a star when she has no fans. She must go.
Robert is even more bitter than I am which I always appreciate. UNDERSTANDING. There is no chipper response to being tortured and ripped off by this creep from Canada.
Robert is a very nice person just like every 1 I’m relating to for this. The kind hearted ones are the most against D - the pretend mother pretend charity saint.
“Just keep listening to Elvis. He knows what he’s doing.”