The cartel of special advantages and freedom from earthly consequences

The game is so rigged that anyone seeing this is called a conspiracy theorist (another name for someone adept at pattern recognition).

The size of the lie is staggering. Upholding the lie is the price of reaching what looks like the top and those groomed from birth to protect secrets can enter that VIP lounge. This is the absolute opposite of a meritocracy.

I talk about Napoleon, in part, because they had to destroy the earthly life of Napoleon to really lay down the tracks of this highly secretive system. A strong leader with integrity would have rooted this infestation out.

Their motto is order out of chaos. This group can’t constantly take more power using chaos, infiltration, subversion, threats and BRIBES when there’s an orderly decent ruler doing right by his people, not constantly harassed by warmongers using media to vilify him - to turn their malice around on him; Using his human weakness and noble sentiments against him.

Without unity amongst the decent, we have lost and we will continue to lose. It’s our own fault that putrescence and child abuse predominate in the current milieu. Just all of us saying, “We see what you’re doing and it’s not okay anymore. No more tricks.” would make a difference but people are so brainwashed by media and they can’t let go of their nostalgia and love for “celebrities”. When is enough going to be enough?
