It's all been setting this up . . . .

A collection of certain themes for when the time comes. Wilson and Myrtle. Forrest and Jenny. Penny and Sheldon. D forcing people into misery because the system backs her up. Torturing us is her bliss. Think about it.

Stephen Gasque

Was a tv reporter who came into a Steak ‘n Shake where I was working at 18 soon after I was finagled into my present arrangement. I was already losing my health at 18 from the arrangement. I had been extremely athletic before these wonderful rich people made it look like it would be so good - as I was frequently told I’d be thrown on the street when I turned 18. These things happened at the same time of course.

So see the life D and HK created for me while they were exploiting my soul family.

Steve is telling me he was told to spy on me and spin my wheels. He was on local Atlanta tv at that time - so you see how D makes media people play her games on me.

He was always kind and respectful. It was another - what’s going on??

I also want to add that I used to get an insane amount of calls that would hang up after I said hello and I now know that was Elvis. What a nightmare that it had to come to that. D GO NOW YOU MONSTER.

Steve Harvey

“They’re really going crazy. You have no idea. You are right about every single thing.”

Elvis tells me he makes sure.

Steve set this up.

“This’ll send D a message she needs right now.”

“They’re doing the same shit to all of us and they’re going to see exactly how it’s gonna backfire.”

Steve is like family to me somehow. I would love to make that work with him if we could learn how to reclaim our lives.

“People love these charts.”

No doubt that Michael Jackson was setting this up -

D had to do all those insanely evil things to get the population angry enough to finally do something about her. It’s all going to backfire on her and she’s being set up from every side. She can think about that while she’s framing people and inventing torture for trapped children.

Elvis wants D gone and so do we all.

Mother Teresa

What an interesting missing word on the opening page of Mother Teresa’s site, The mafia can keep people from “talking” but they can’t control everything.

“It cannot continue this way. We can only return to a cleansed earth.”

“We must always obey God. We know it’s his edict because we can feel his love for us even if we don’t understand yet.”

Here is another 1 saying I have got to do what I’m told or else the planet is finished.

“Yes. Finished for God’s family. It’s a prison now and the demons will only make it worse if we do not stop them.”

Bottom line is somehow I’m the only 1 able to communicate directly about what is going on in reality. Even I cannot really say it all because of the nature of my situation. That means that the narrative is being controlled by the demons.

“What they won’t permit us to say is what they are hiding - the most important information is what’s not being said. You can count on that.”

It says above on my screenshot from her site that Mother Teresa’s work continues in the tireless of work of the ……..

It’s true. We’re connected. We can only obey God.

“It’s all true.”

Carrot Top is all in.

“Elvis is telling you the entire truth about what’s been swirling around you.”

Basically the secret societies knew how to turn everything upside down as part of their campaign to deliberately ruin my life and sanity. It has to do with D’s breeding program. I’m always hearing she’s doing the same to any 1 she can. Covid was to make us sick. That’s how D operates. She pretends to be a mommy and does all she can to get away with killing us.

Another 1 of us parked in Vegas.


Another chart saying we are here on a mission to change the world.

Dolores O’Riordan

Is telling me she was drowned on purpose. “Look at my work. Look at the patterns. This global infestation ends when we end it.”

We can talk to her. She is still alive spiritually.